Dear friends: This is a true time's celebration for all audiophiles over the world: 100th ORTOFON ANNIVERSARY.

ORTOFON needs no presentation but stop the press and stop/delay your next cartridge buy:



Btw, @mikelavigne as always your comments are welcomed.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Saw this release. Unfortunately the designers seem to be slow learners! This cartridge, like all of the other models in their upper ranges has basically zip for output! At some point, I am hopeful that the realization that this type of flea output leads to much greater distortions and exertion on the upstream phono stage ( or will require a signal sucking SUT) will at some point stop this trend. While the theory is that this minimal output leads to a cleaner signal from the cartridge, IME that is anything but the case. Maybe someone should ask J Carr why all of his excellent designs utilize a healthy voltage output. I’m VERY sure there is a perfectly good reason for this.
Dear @daveyf : Sorry for my ignorance but what do you mean with " zip for output?.

Appreciate you can explain me in some other words that my bad english can understand.

Thank's in advance.

With the appropriate phono preamp the low output is not an issue - have used the 30 year MC70 with only .125mV with no issue what so ever.  

Inquired this morning about availability - no news about this yet - pricing predicted to be $12K - E10K  - Looking forward to this one.  

Good Listening

Dear @pbnaudio : Now I understand the davey post. You are rigth that was never a to serious issue.

Good active SS designs is all what we need for very LOMC cartridges like some of the Ortofon models but even through top SUTs its quality level performance is second to none.

I used the MC2000 with excellent results even that's output level is only 0.05mv ! !  

Always is an advantage to have wire winding coils at minimum especially there because as more length on the coil wires as more degradation can comes.
Obviously that does not exist a perfect cartridge and Ortofon are not, always exist trade-offs but if the main target in a cartridge design is a little different from busine$$ then designers looks for a better equilibrium as Ortofon that in its top LOMC cartridges never choosed for a little higher output.

Rigth now I'm enjoying my re-borns special MC 3000MK2 with an output level 0.125mv and its quality performance is just gorgeous where we almost can't ask for more and this is an Ortofon  vintage design older than the one you name it and better than the 70. My special 3000MK2 can even the performance of the MC A90  and surpass easily the very good Jubilee or the 7500.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,