Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?

Please Rate these cartridges in order of sonic importance and if could recommend the ideal arm/s for each. Thank you.

Audio Technica Tka7e

At Tka3e

Signet gold brown colour


Sure Rxt4


Excel mc100e

Nagaoka Mp50 Super

Sure V15 mk 3 two different bodies

Ortofon mc1


ADC gold

Denon Dl103

Ortofon Super Om30

Ortofon 2m Black

Ortofon Spu Gt Stereo

Ortofon gt newer mono black headshell
You certainly have a welcome enthusiasm for for trying to gain understanding. Unfortunately, the list you've compiled is so long and the combinations with arms and systems so complex, you'll probably never get the answers that you seek. Help us to help you. A good place to start would be to ask yourself, what are the objectives? Do you have price constraints? What is your listening environment? What kind of music do you listen to? What TT do you possess and what details can you provide about the rest of your system? It appears that you are a vinyl enthusiast or are becoming one as am I (I have recordings that are probably older than most people on the forum). We share that and I'll help if I can, but please narrow your thinking a bit so helping isn't insurmountable.
By the way, the Ortofon 2M Red can be upgraded. The 2M cartridge body is the same throughout that line of cartridges and any 2M stylus will work. With a good system and proper set-up, you'd probably notice musical improvement as you moved up to the top, the 2M Black. I own the 2M Black, and it may be best in class for it's price.
Normally audio dealers don't permit to play with his new cartridges. Maybe if they have a demo sample, maybe.

@professorsvsu Fake news if I ever heard it. 2M body is not the same throughout the range. Not even close. Black and Bronze are significantly more advanced with better motors and silver plated coils.