PS Audio Power Plants

My music on great days sounds three dimensional with  great sound stage depth, good solid bass , and no harshness on the high end.Those few days, I may listen for hours, However most days it sounds flat with no depth and I can't listen for more that 30 minutes or so. This is not a new thing. Its been happening through all different equipment and several houses for years
Has anyone had this experience and would a PS Audio Power Plant like the P10 or P20 help?
Hmmm (pun), which Isotek did you try? I have no discernable transformer hum but I am nevertheless intrigued by the Isotek Syncro and have one coming in two days to go along with an Isotek Aquarius. I do have some very slight hum through my speakers, not enough to hear from my listening position. Having very sensitive loudspeakers never helps and I do believe that with sensitive speakers and tube gear, some low level hum is inevitable. I have DeVore 0/93's and an ARC Ref 150SE. The biggest change in hum level came with-of all things-a switch of equipment rack. I went from a cheap MDF shelf rack to a Symposium Osiris Ultimate which Peter of Symposium says features a Faraday Cage effect as well as vibration isolation. I shrugged off the Faraday Cage thing as so much typical audio hype, but it seems to be true. My amp is not on the main rack but in front of it, so I am left thinking that one or more of my other components on my audio rack were interfering with each other and causing the hum. They consist of my preamp, phono stage, and DAC. 

Sigmas EVO3.

BTW, it's definitely, absolutely not either DC on the line or a ground loop.  I've also had every breaker in the house turned off save the one controlling the receptacle the CMII was plugged into.  Rogue asked about the sensitivity of my speakers (average: PMC twenty.24).  But the fact that the transformers also hum tells me it's not just a possible mismatch issue.

Fsonicsmith we sell the Syncro and to say it is remarkable is an understatement.

It does a lot more than just block dc.

One of the best things you can do to elevate an entire system.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Fsonicsmith we sell the Syncro and to say it is remarkable is an understatement.

It does a lot more than just block dc.

One of the best things you can do to elevate an entire system.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
That was my thinking too-that it likely doe more than just block DC. Thank you for the support-now I just have to hope you're right. I am getting excellent sound now. On well recorded material, my speakers disappear and my soundstage is wide and deep. Bass is taut. Transcients can be startling. So, I figured I had nothing to lose and you never know what you might gain. On a side note, I gave you some grief on a different thread (Elac Adante). Thanks for being nice to me. I will try and return the goodwill. 
I upgraded my Furman power conditioner to the P10 about a year ago and while the difference wasn't dramatic, it was noticeable and positive.  I'd say the biggest difference was "blacker blacks" to use a video analogy if that makes sense.  It was if the music was emanating from a cleaner background.  I do get some hum from the transformer inside it sometimes, and while I wish that wasn't there, it isn't very noticeable.  I'm maxed out on outlets and power capacity of the thing, but I'm running 6 amps off of it (2x mid/high, 2x mid bass, 2x subs) plus many less power hungry components.  I could use a P20, but I don't have the room in my rack.  I recommend the PSA gear, though the trusty old Furman still works too (and is now moved to the 2nd system)