Aurender N100C - alternative apps?

Hi there fellow a-goners!

Bought myself an N100C, and found myself completely at a loss: the only way to control the device -it seems - is its original Conductor app, which exists in its full form ONLY for iPad. I use Android devices, my wife has an iPhone. No iPads.

The Android Conductor Beta is...well, below par, to say the least. It has no artist list, and no Tidal streaming control. Crappy app.

No app for iPhone.

Are there any alternative apps to control the Aurender?

Ideally something like a Sonos control app: beautiful, absolutely brilliant in its simplicity and usefulness.

Thanks for your help. Don’t let me down, please, as I am already prepared to sell the damn thing...
Sorted it all out. 
The Aurender Conductor app for iPad is quite functional, but, IMO, it still is inferior to the Sonos app, both for Android, Mac and iDevices.
Copying my 400Gb files to the aurender as we speak. 
Shame that no other app can work with this device. 


Glad to hear that that you were able to copy your files.

The Aurender servers are designed to work with the Conductor app only. Once you get familiar with the app, I am sure you will love the app as much as I do.

The SONOS has been in business lot longer than anyone else. They have been perfecting the app for over 10 plus years 😊

Listen to N100C for couple of weeks, then switch back to SONOS and report your feedback.
Sure will, thanks.
Well, with all due respect,  the folks at Aurender could have looked at the best there is and imitated it or even bested it. Not the case. 
Will report.
Gentlemen, has anyone compared the N100H to the Sonore MicroRendu? If so,  your impressions?

Is there a way to delete songs or album on the Aurender?  Also, why can't Aurender stream with Spotify?  I love the sound of my Aurender N100H, but these are the 2 frustrations I have with Aurender.  Thanks.