Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
No offense Erik but I find it hard to believe you can compare Parasound to any highend class A amp for musicality. I get it you love it, but let’s try and be objective. Parasound is a step over Adcom and 20 minutes from extreme fatiguing.

Parasound Fatiguing?? Hahahaa. Some of the warmest A/B amps out there. Run Class A most of the time. And yeah, I've heard _some_ pure class A amps they beat hands down. 

Unless of course you measure sound quality by money spent. Then of course, only Class A will be pricey enough for your ears. 


To both of you.
The Parasound Halo JC1’s in high bias class-a (which is no more than around 20w of A) sounds magnificent, and will blow away any Class-D full stop!!

Cheers George
It seems clear @bluesy41 doesn’t have a clue about Class A Amos.  You can’t make broad statements about any amp Class.  There are Class A amps on Amazon starting at $500.00 and some of them they sound pretty bad.
The class warfare should really just end. There are very good and very bad amps of all classes. Furthermore one man’s bust may be another’s bounty. That’s how the world tends to roll in general. Deal with specifics not generalized statements that cannot hold true in reality. For example if I designed an amp it would probably suck no matter what Class because I am not an amp designer. Many are very skilled amp designers however and make very good products using their own unique skills to master technology in different ways. Those people are entitled to think their design is best but not at the expense of others. Each buyer will decide for themselves which is "best" for them using all the unique senses God granted them.

Give it up already!

Personally, I’d say Bel Canto Class D amps are one of the best things that ever happened to home audio in my house! They are marvelous sounding modern masterpieces of technology and meet my needs perfectly!
