Anyone replace the power cord on 1200G?

Just curious if anyone has tried this?
Explain this special Japanese alignment.  The mint sounds better to these ears.
@tzh21y It's a proprietary Technics  alignment, that just like Stevenson, it favors inner groove distortion. It's actually very close to Stevenson, but not exact.

If you prefer the standard Stevenson A, that's perfectly fine. I prefer Lofgren A, or B myself.

Just don't knock the Technics' gauge. It's not off, nor is it wrong. Just an alignment Technics' engineers like and designed the table/tonearm for. 

Alright, I’ll chime in here. I used Baerwald with the Freickert alignment tool. This morning I checked the overhang with the Technics overhang gauge and it was spot on. The reason I chose Baerwald was primarily because that is what Fremer used in his review. After my Hana SL breaks in, I will probably experiment with Stevenson and/or Lofgren geometry.

@invictus005 The Technics manual is excellent, however, it does not go into a lot of detail about mounting the cartridge. Are you saying that just using their overhang gauge and making sure the cartridge is parallel to the headshell (as stated in the manual) is all that is needed for proper alignment? This was never mentioned in any of the reviews I read.
Keep in mind that my prior TT was a Rega, 3 screw mount.

I have had my table up and running for about 10 days and it is quite amazing.
@ericsch That is all that's required to perfectly set it up to Technics' alignment. But if you want to experiment with other alignments, then you'll need additional protractors.