I recently dug out my old LP records that appear in good to good-very good condition. I need a turntable an don't need to get esoteric. Looking for affordability and utility and will connect to a Parasound P-3 and AR Classic 30 with Elac B6
Thank you
Buy a Pioneer PLX1000 for $700 and a Denon 103R ($300). This combination will equal the multi - kilobuck stuff listed above! I have this setup and find it lacking for NOTHING - eminently musical and satisfying! Don't listen to the audio snobs - the PLX1000 is a MAJOR bargain among TT's!
Invictus, The OP said affordable, so you recommend a 5k-10k range of tables??

Rolandsears, Per your request how about checking out a REGA P3 or P6 with a Dynavector 10X5 or 20x2H/L cartridge :-) 

Highly recommend for ease of use and great lively sound.

Matt M