power conditioner

I am almost done with putting my system together. I have a Mac 452 amp, Mac 550 cd, Mac MT-10 turntable and a Mac C2500 pre amp. looking to see would be a good power conditioner/surge protector for a reasonable cost. 
The room I am using the equipment in is wired with 15 amp wiring. I read a lot  the Furman and Panamax sounds like they are the same company but the equipment is very different. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I apprciate all your input and it was helpful. Going with a dedicated outlet for the amp and I will do more research on the power conditioner.
Thank you, and have a good day.
Balanced power is the way to go in my opinion.
Core Power Technologies Equi= Core 1800.
Good bang for the buck at a reasonable price.
On Audiogon: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/equi-core-1800-core-power-technologies-1800

Balanced power is the way to go in my opinion.
Core Power Technologies Equi= Core 1800.
Good bang for the buck at a reasonable price.
On Audiogon: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/equi-core-1800-core-power-technologies-1800

+1 for lak's comments. Balanced power is the way to go. There is Equi=Core as he mentions but also the Furman Reference series which is home audio but the P2400IT pro version is actually less money. Equi=Tech essentially created the concept for home audio. You should take a look at Audio Quest Niagara as well. This product was developed by Garth Powell who spent 16 years at Furman and wanted more flexibility to research his own ideas. Check out this video. Once you go with balanced power you will be be greeted by blackness in your system. Good luck.

These components are system, grid, & music preference related. To find the right one, if one is needed, I'd go for the Cable Co. or like dealer that will let you try in your own system.

Good luck!