Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Hey Guys, 

any ideas on where I can find a set of spikes for my 2 2's  ? 

Speaker cable question for Thiel lovers. My speaker cables are Cardas Golden Cross. Interconnects are Cardas Clear. I bought the Golden Cross cables back in the day when I could not afford the electronics needed to tame my Thiel 3.6 highs. Might also have been room problem, placement, etc. Now I have the electronics and I now feel I might be losing something with this VERY WARM speaker cable. Associated equipment is ARC REF 3 Pre, ARC PH8 phonopre, Classe CA-2200 amp, Clearaudio Performance SE with Stradivari V2. All opinions are appreciated, including recommendations. Thanks again.
Good to see you- bill10907
you have a very good ear- the Cardas Golden Cross is notoriously warm.
Still, it is an iconic cable to this day and used in many of the Audio press' systems. I have heard the Cardas  Clear, Clear Beyond. While not as warm as these older models, will continue to give the listener the company's signature sound (warmth and detail). Maybe one of the guys here can chime in to your query.
Happy Listening!

think about contacting Mr. Rob Gillum at Thiel customer service in Lexington KY. If I run across a set I will contact you. Keep us posted.

Happy Listening!

Yes do contact Rob at Thiel , you have 2 options ,
look at images on Goggle , one is the spike used on the 3.7 and 2.4se
the other is the standard spike, if you are going thru carpet
I recommend the ones used on the 3.7s .
I purchased these and used the locking nut from my original 
standard spikes on my 2.7s.
If you don't have locking nuts ask him about that .

Bill 10907
I too use Cardas thru-out, I have the Neutral Reference
interconnects and speaker cables and am very pleased with the sound,
You might want to try the Cardas Hex-link speaker cables
you might also try room treatment first.
