Come on people....BASS!'s really not that hard. It kills me when reading people's descriptions/comments about their system's, or a components LOWER FREQUENCIES referred to as BASE.  BASE is the bottom support, BASS, are the lower frequencies of pitch.  
I had to interview job candidates for my company not long ago.   And writing is involved - being able to describe the products on the website for potential buyers.  As part of the interview I gave all candidates a 10 word spelling exam, nothing too difficult, words like "dimensions", "beautiful", "large", "pictures", etc.   If memory serves, 90%+ of the candidates were recent ASU graduates in non-engineering disciplines.     I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that if you saw the results, you'd think the spelling test had been administered to a group of non-English-speaking Albanian exchange students.   It was like that comedy movie "Idiocracy" happening right there in the interviews.

My biggest person online pet peeve is the word "lose", as in the opposite of "to find".   Somewhere along the way, that word gained an extra "o" and if you don't win you're a "looser".  
Regarding misuse of apostrophes I of course agree, but on occasion I (and perhaps others) have chosen to take a bit of poetic license and do that intentionally, in order to avoid possible confusion as to whether the "s" is part of a tube type designation or model name which precedes it.

But to add to the commonly seen incorrect word substitutions that have been mentioned, on a percentage basis I would have to say that among the leaders are requests for or offerings of "advise" instead of "advice."

And of course "your" instead of "you’re."

-- Al

+1 teo_audio. I always thought that emails were the biggest enemy of true communication until texting came along. Probably why they invented emoji to try to add clarity of intent to an otherwise easily misinterpreted written comment stripped of inflection and verbal cues for the sake of minimal effort.

Are we really that busy with matters of importance that a phone call is too ponderous in order to ensure the meeting of the minds?

It's nice to know I'm not alone when it comes to "smart" phones and texting. This is how AI takes over.

One. Step. At. A. Time. 

All the best,