Cable manufacturers?

How many cable companies actually manufacture their own cable? 

Perhaps Mogami, Belden, Canare and a few others. I am willing to bet most cable companies do not manufacture their own cable, but simply buy cable, throw on some techflex or other custom jacketing, and do nice terminations. 

Anyone have any any actual Information? 
Doesn’t have anything to do with data transmission I’m happy to report. Nor does it have anything to do with solid matter. It’s bigger than that. Much bigger! Can't talk now, gotta go.  Beam me up, Scotty! 😛
Yes, the Chinese are pushing hard enough that the 'scientific advances for the gullible' that the us places in the public domain...  are no longer enough to cover up their black ops works, which have gone on for over 7 decades.

The article states that the Chinese are now ahead of the US. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Chinese are playing catch up and theft, at a minimum.

The official publicly stated amounts of recent  (past decade) money missing from pentagon coffers, which many presume have gone into black ops and sits at over 6 trillion US dollars.

It's not a case of the Chinese moving ahead of the US, it's a case of asking what the two-tier US technology system is hiding from the public.
From what I can gather the US is ahead in the race to see who can kill a goat by staring at it.  No goats, no glory.
If the Chinese can get a herd of goats to stare photons into space, that's when I'll start to worry.