Basis Audio Super Arm 9

Seeing a few posts on this amazing tonearm. Just installed my Super Arm 9 on my Debut table... Loving it!

I am intrigued by this arm too.  I presume it would be a drop-in replacement of my  Vector arm on my Basis Debut table.  But, I do wonder how it compares with other interesting arms, such as the Schroeder Linear Tracking arm or the Swedish Audio Technologies arm (that one being WAY more expensive), or a Durand arm.

I know that a reviewer for The Absolute Sound went nuts about the SA9 and strongly suggested that it would make sense to cut back severely on the budget for a table if that is what it takes to afford the SA9.  My problem is that I hardly ever agree with reviewers, and there is really no way to actually hear and compare arms. 

Hi there jwm. Just thought I would let you know that the Super Arm 9 is still amazing me every time I listen. I changed my cart from a Basis LP to a Lyra Etna and also upgraded my Aesthetix Signature amps to Atlas Eclipse monos. These changes have made my Vandy 7s very happy. This thread is what led me to the Super Arm 9 so thanks again to all of you who sold me on this state of the art product. For those of you who are considering the SA9, it is expensive, but worth every cent. Finally, what a shame about AJ. I talked with him many times at the Newport Show and will always think of him as a gentleman and a legend of the High End.

Chargerfan, I'm glad you enjoy your arm as much as I do. Yes AJ was very talented and will be missed. I'm not familiar with the Basis LP is that an old cartridge? Enjoy Jeff