Up to $4500 burning a hole in my pocket

I recently sold my last 2 sets of speakers. I am redoing my man cave and will take the speaker proceeds to buy a new set for down there. I want to go floorstander this time, something with killer dynamics but still detailed and musical. Whatever has to have great sock you in the gut mid bass.
For amplification I have odyssey stratos extreme with Jolida Fusion Preamp. Also sometimes run Cayin A100T. Have a JL Fathom for the low low end.
The room is about 13x20 10ft ceilings. 
This is a no wife input zone so I will be doing whatever regarding looks of the speakers and room treatments that I want. 
Speakers will go on the short wall. 
There is a local guy selling Klipsch Chorus 2 with upgraded Crites crossovers and tweeter I want to take a look at. These seem to hold their value decently and I could probably break even if I sell them. Not sure I will like them but the retro look is kinda cool and I am sure they go loud but need to be somewhat refined ans detailed as well.
Only other contender so far is really the Tekton Double Impact. These really intrigue me as to if they really are as good as some say. No dealers so demo is out and I would rather buy used and these are too new for that. Only other floorstander I have owned for a while is the GE Triton 1. While very nice I want to try something different. Any suggestions on what else I should be looking at and my current candidates?

Sorry if I came off as a dick. I have just noticed that there are a whole lot of (but not all of) the rave Tekton reviews with 0 to very little previous posts. That does not make them fake it just raises my suspicion a little. I will hopefully hear the Double Impacts next month and I hope they are that good and I will buy them and sell the Klipsch.   

definately give the Double Impacts a listen. I think you'll be very pleasantly surprised. I've had mine for five months now and love them. I had the Legacy Audio Focus SE's when I recieved my Double Impacts and ended up selling the Legacys. Did I dislike the Legacys? Hell no, they are great speakers. I preferred the more dynamic, live sounding presence of the Tektons. Others will prefer the more "audiophile" sound of the Legacys. Either way, the speakers are more similar than dissimilar.......in other words, they both sound great. At a quarter of the cost of the Legacys the Double Impacts are hard to pass up. Btw, I'm in the Detroit area and you're more than welcome to hear my Double Impacts with a 24 watt Decware Torii amp should you wish. 
               There are a couple of pairs of Double Impacts in Northwest Indiana (basically a suburb of Chicago) and I am sure you could hear them there also. It is quite interesting that as the main line manufacturers of audio gear cater more to the carriage trade that there is more incredible gear at affordable prices with outstanding performance. Brands like Linear Tube (microZOTL2), Line Magnetics, and these Double Impacts have turned Audio upside down. There are many more amazing bargains I'm sure. We were laughing trying to guess what the Double Impacts would sell for if they had a big name on their nameplate. The lowest guess was 30K! I hope that the Double Impacts are at Axpona.