Art Audio Diavolo hum

I have an old model Art Audio Diavolo.  I like it, but it just started humming on one channel.  I switched all the tubes, and it still hums on that same channel.  Not affected by the volume.  I disconnected inputs, still not affected. Plugged it in to different outlets, used cheater plug, still hums.  Hum is loud, about 30 dbs, and kicks in after 30 or so seconds, like its warming up.  Plays music, but hum sort of ruins it.  Did something burn out?  I'm the third owner, amp is over 15 years old. Thanks.  

Agree with above, ignore ebm, time for new caps should be an easy job and should not only fix the hum but give your amp a new lease on life! And better sound as well.
Thank you very much grannyring, roxy54 and jond.  I like the sound, just bought new tubes a month ago, and it was working great until today.  thanks again.  
I know it has been a while and I am hoping that you were successful in getting your Diavolo repaired.  We just picked up the line here in the US and if you have any other issues I would be happy to help you address them.
@verdantaudio I just wanted to say it's awesome that you responded to a thread, two years old, having just picked Art Audio up for the USA. It speaks to you're wanting to get them off on the right foot as they re-enter the US market so kudos to you.