Do you think you need a subwoofer?

Why almost any one needs subwoofers in their audio systems?

I talk with my audio friends about and each one give me different answers, from: I don't need it, to : I love that.

Some of you use subwoofers and many do in the speakers forum and everywhere.

The question is: why we need subwoofers ? or don't?

My experience tell me that this subwoofers subject is a critical point in the music/sound reproduction in home audio systems.

What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear @noble100 :  I was trying to find out information of what tipycal level of THD has a bass/subwoofers configuration as the one you have but it does not exist something about.

Do you have that information or a link with?

regards and enjoy the music,
Dear @noble100 : I think that that information does not exist for a specific room/system.

In the old JBL papers the main subject is a room evn bass: no problems by standing waves, almost flat bass frequency range and the like but never gave any THD information and this for me is a critical issue.

Room does not disappears only because bass management is rigth but only is the bass and overall syatem distortion in the room is really low.

That's why I ask about.

It's really " curious " that when we talk about manufacturers of subwoofers for home stereo systems no one gives the THD of their models and I know this because I call/email almost all of them and no one return with that information.

Velodyne 15/18 has only 0.5% THD at 20hz at 120db. This sole figure is just IMPRESSIVE by any standard.

By comparison the touted JL Audio subs that never gaves that THD figure were reviewed by ST and Atkinson gaves it at 6%. Yes, it's a very good looking unit but nothing that can not even the Velodyne but is far away from it. Sorry for the owners that have that very high distortion levels in the main home system audio bass range.
Now, what happens with JLA is not only them almost all subs in the market but Velodyne has problems there.

THD, between other things, is one spec critical when we are buying subs.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Hi Raul,

     You asked: " I was trying to find out information of what typical level of THD has a bass/subwoofers configuration as the one you have but it does not exist something about.   I think that that information does not exist for a specific room/system.

     I checked the James Romeyn Debra, Audio Kinesis Swarm along with google searches sites and I think you're correct, there is no info regarding THD on distributed bass array systems.

     I did find an interview with Duke Lejeune, in the Stereo Times

     He mentions that when he started designing speakers his goal was low distortion and accuracy.  But, when he was finally close to meeting  these goals, the speakers did not sound good at all.   He was talking about his full range speakers but this may apply to his Swarm system as well.
      I think you may be more concerned with THD than I am because I honestly have never perceived any negative qualities that I'd attribute to distortion on music or HT.    
Dear @noble100 and friends: I’m always concerned on something that’s happening and where there is no single information.

It’s weird that not only in information coming from the sites you linked and from the JBL information all those gentlemans speaks about even bass response but no one of them " touch " nothing in reference at distortions levels not only THD or IMD but any kind of distortion.

That’s why I always try to think " out of the box " and asking me for " something "...

Speaking of " OTB " I just made it another fasinating move and here it’s a totally new discovery for the better:

as many of you and through the years I was testing different power line fuses at the electronic inputs in all my electronic system items where I found out that better quality fuses just means better quality performance in this regards the best I found out are the ones coming from Synergistic Research: Quantum Red and Black.

What did I?, now that I have my dedicated power line " bullet proof " fully regulated, with surge protection, RF/EMI filters I thought:
What if I by-pass all those fuses ( 14 in my system. ) due that I don’t need any more because the whole system is protected in that fuse task regards?

Well I did it and was and is jus " genial ": quality system sound performance level improved so: The Best Fuse Is Not Fuse At All ! ! !

What a discovery ! just great one.

All that improved system noise floor, bass range, room " disappears " that I achieved with my last discoveries posted in this tread only improved again when I was thinking that nothing could help to improve it. Fortunatelly I was wrong with this last sentence.

Rigth now there are no fuses in: my subwoofers, amplifiers, CD player, TT power supply and phonolinepreamp and the digital an analog performance is better than ever with an unbeatable high resolution where we can aware of the digital/analog source errors and advantages of each alternative in between. Btw, analog just hands down digital alternative.

I think that all of you that have a precise proved regulated/surge protection power line have to test it and I’m sure you will enhance your system enjoying listening sessions.

Regards and enjoy de MUSIC not distortions,

I went from 2 subs to 4 this weekend . The distributed bass plan works like a charm the bass response is even around the room and the whole system just sounds right .