Tubeyist sounding Pre-amp?

What pre-amp has the most tubey sound?

I don't even car if it HAS tubes - I just want that sound - it can use MOSFETs for all I care.

Have you had Sonic Frontiers check your pre?   It's a pretty good piece, and you'd be hard pressed to find an equivalent that will outperform it, with the right tubes.  At least, not for $500.00.
tubegroover -

Actually, I'm a tube lover.  I own a tube phono stage with a FET mc front end and fully tubed line stage preamp.   Herron VTPH-2 and Herron VTSP-3A (r03).  They are very wonderful units.  Vanishingly low distortion and coloration.  Not "tubey" sounding, not anything sounding.  Just transparent to the music. 

I do not like components that add coloration or distortion to the music.  They subtract from the musical presentation.  Your tube "warmth" or "body" as you describe is a distortion, a coloration and not true to the source. 

My original statements apply.  I built and owned Dynaco, and owned early Audio Research tube gear.  It was good in its day, mostly because almost all the solid state equipment in those days was so bad. 

There is little to choose between in the very high end as it relates to tube or solid state gear.  I chose the Herron equipment because I could not find anything better, could not even find an equal to it regardless of price.
Tubey or not tubey...that is the question?

I've got a hybrid integrated (Rogue with tube pre, class D power) amp and sometimes I wish it sounded warmer and more sumptuous.  But I don't want to sacrifice definition and clarity.  I'm guessing that's possible at a higher price point.  Is it found at all in mid-fi?