Do you clean your records before play, after play, or once (and then never again)?

All my records have been cleaned at least once, but after play, I'll drop it in my Klaudio ultrasonic cleaner for a quick re-clean. I figure if my stylus is digging / loosening anything in the grooves, it's a good opportunity to get that junk out of there. How about you?
Mapman, Okki Nokki machine is only $500, with Audio Intelligent three step fluids it gives excellent results.
I clean every 10-15 plays without thinking about it. Stylus is cleaned before playing each side. It’s annoying but there is no way around it.
Yes, some old records require multiple cleanings with prolonged soaking. New records are dirty as hell too.
Forgot to mention: now that I have Next-Gen Sequencing in my lab, I am using 18MOhm water as the last step on VPI 16.5. $200k of business investment paid off for my true calling!!! ;-)
And three Disc Doctor brushes, one for each solution. Double rinsing with pure water step three. I only have a few hundred records, and even in this case it is very inexpensive. I've had the Okki Nokki for a year now and it's been reliable.
I've thrown out my carbon fiber brushes. At best it simply pushes crap around the records (I believe anything a carbon brush would remove would not affect the play) and at worst, it's creating a static charge that attracts more crap to the record (yes, I know there are "anti-static" brushes, but I'm suspect).

I clean my stylus (primarily) with a Magic Eraser, but every now and then I'll dip it into some Fun-Tak (per the recommendation of the Sound Smith).