Why So Many Raidho Speaker For Sale?

If Raidho speakers are so great, why are there so many pairs for sale here?  These are not inexpensive speakers by any means and it seems at least every other day there is a pair for sale with some people having them only a few weeks to a few months, and they are really taking a bath on them.  What gives?  Are they not as great as they are made to be?  Is Jonathan Valin a shill for the company?

I heard the 4.1 diamond at Blink High End north of Boston and was very unimpressed.  I have heard many other highly regarded speakers for much less money sounding wonderful.  So, what gives?

It's a new dawn in this country - anything goes. Well, almost. Britain is fun too I heard.
Overall, Danes don't know how to make speakers, they know how to make electronics, though. Gryphon is a notable exception.
The best system I heard in my life was the raidho d5 with solutions electronics. Great sound but really expensive. 

I said it already, Infection... please go infect another thread and leave this one alone.  I never heard the D5's and any Solution products, but for that kind of money, they had better sound great.  Everyone likes different things but the Raidho definitely are not my kind of speakers, especially since I listen to 90% rock.  It's waaaaaay out of my price range besides all that.  Doubtful my wife would like the idea of spending that kind of money for speakers and electronics that cost more than our home.  It's hard to wrap your head around how much disposable income some people really have.