Best amp choice for Thiel 2.4

Hello guys,

I just bought from an audiogoner a Pass X1 preamp and I'm really satisfied about its performances.
Now I'm using it with my old Odyssey Stratos Plus on the Thiel 2.4 loudspeakers
Even if the Odyssey is a good amp I want to improve the amp quality and I thought to Pass X250.5/350.5 but here on the amp solid classifieds there are some other choices maybe as good as the Pass amps
I'm meaning about Classe CA M400 monos or Ayre V-1xe and a Mark Levinson 336 and some others..
What do you think about the perfect choice considering the Thiel 2.4?

Thanks in advance to all your opinions about

All excellent suggestions- it is going to me a matter of personal taste.
Classe' Ayre, Mark Levinson, Pass Labs...etc., all make outstanding solid state power amps. Krell is going to provide high current, important to know, when considering any Thiel speaker. Happy Listening!
Knowing most the manufactures on your list - meaning I have experience listening to them, except the Ayre I'd lean to the Pass X250.5. My Aerial are probably no harder to drive than your Thiel's and I use a X250. The X250 will have plenty of juice unless you're playing crazy levels which eventually you'll cook your ears and it might not matter later. I wouldn't consider a 300 series ML unless you know it's been recapped and there's proof of it; hardly worth recapping these amps because of the cost doing being so high. With a X1 I'm not sure you're going to hear as much of a difference between an X250 or X350 vs the .5 series but you might. If you had a X10 or up I'd say for sure the .5 series. The .5 series is definitely better, but that being said you might look at a X350 if you really need the power over a X250.5 if you're watching the budget. Before I would spend the difference I'd maybe upgrade to the X10 as well... just a thought. The X1 is a nice preamp so don't get me wrong... just saying if you're leaning towards a pass don't rule out a X250 or X350 and don't sweat the .5 series because the older models are still very good amps. Best of luck.
Thiels are a lot different than Aerials, IMHO.  I've owned both Thiels and Aerials.  They're more towards opposite ends of the spectrum in fact.  The Pass will be lean with the Thiels, especially with a Pass preamp.  I can see how it would sound great with the Aerials.  You want a tube preamp if your going to get the best out of the Thiels.  Even Kathy Gornick, formally of Thiel, said she never heard a Thiel speaker that didn't sound better with a tube preamp.

BAT, Belles, CJ and Ayre would be my choices  for Thiel if going with newer amps.  The old ML and certain Krells were great, but as stated, recapping may be an issue.  Good luck.