Best music for romantic interlude

Whats type of music,gets you in the mood?
No one for subconscious lyrical messages?

"When times go rough, won’t you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff."

- Second Hand News, Fleetwood Mac
I once French kissed a beautiful girl through the entire slow movement of Bruckners 8th symphony. A very loooong and intense kiss. Delicious. No joke. Regards jet
Well, back in the day, I agree that Roxy Music's "Avalon" was the ticket. Jorma's "Quah" album was pretty good as well. Of course, depending on the personality of the partner, Sinatra, the Grateful Dead's "Live in Europe", Moby's "Play", the Beatles, or even some old AC/DC or Nine Inch Nails proved to be successful. I guess it depends on the mood, personality, and enhancements (wine, martinis, tequila, or other vices) to determine success. For me, Bryan Ferry was the ultimate smooth guy. ,