Speakers for Rock - up to 1kusd

Hello everyone,
While I have been reading the forum for quite some time, this is my first post.

I have a modest audio set-up that I want to upgrade: Yamaha rxv 657, Infinity P253 and technics 1700 turntable. Just sold a Denon CD player that I need to replace too.

I want to start with the speakers. I listen exclusively rock music in a 4x7 square meter room.

Due to availability in my country, I wonder what would be the best speakers that 1 kusd could buy. My options are:

- BW 685 s2 (due to great reviews).
- Paradigm 20 
- Monitor Audio S6
- Dynaudio x14

Could consider/get Jamo 803 and Dali too.

I wish I could stretch to the Sonus Faber Venere 1.5.

What would be your recommendation, taking into account that most dealers do not have demos.

Thank you!

The PMC look nice, but as you say, at a greater price.
Did you ever contact Zu?
The Sansui is a bit long in the tooth, unless there are good audio repair stores in Argentina, I would consider something a bit more recent.
B&W make some really nice speakers, too. But I never associated them with Rock.
Yes, I have contacted an importer to bring the Zu, but shipping is really high.

Yes, in Argentina there are quite a lot highly regarded repair shop, as the vintage community is extensive. What other amplifier would you recommend? Arcam FMJ 19, for instance?

Thank you!
The idea that there are certain speakers that are good for rock is throughout this thread.

This is one of the biggest myths in the audio world! There is no design criteria that can be applied in such a way that a speaker can somehow be better at rock than other musical genres. The fact is if the speaker is good at one genre, it will be good at another.

To give you an idea of how pervasive this myth is, a few month back someone asked what speaker was better at mid-80s downtempo pop. How in the heck would a speaker know anything about 80s vs 70s or 90s?? Downtempo? Speakers don't care about the beat!

The requirements for rock are the same as they are for classical or folk or jazz: good dynamic range, ability to play bass, detail, lack of coloration.
True in theory Ralph, but in practice for a speaker to, say, be appropriate for Rock music I would say it has to be able to play LOT louder than it does to be able to play solo harpsichord music. I have Quad 57's for Baroque, but they are unsuitable for AC/DC at realistic SPL. Of course a speaker SHOULD be able to play all musics, just as it SHOULD be 100% transparent and uncolored. But none of them are, so one must choose his colorations. Different speakers have different strengths and weaknesses that make them better and worse at playing some musics than others.
I agree bdp24. 
Gustavos, did you contact Zu directly? I am sure they must deal with international shipping on a regular basis. 
As far as an amp goes, much would be predacated on your choice of speaker. For example, the Zu's are highly efficient and are known to be sufficiently powered by a 30 wpc tube amp.