Upgrade Linn LP 12 or buy new table

I would like to get back into vinyl after an approx. 17 year absence. I have a Linn LP 12 that I bought in 1983 which I used for 15 years and then put into storage. I never got rid of my vinyl. So my question is : Do I upgrade my LP 12 to the tune of three to four thousand dollars or do I spend the same amount on a new turntable and sell the LP 12?  Everyone's two cents worth would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks
bpolleti, have you heard a Linn lp12 SE?  I think it's competitive with other high-end turntables out there, even though it was first made many years ago.
Linn opinions still retain vestiges of the cult once surrounding Linn (and NAIM).  To some, a Linn represents a b&w TT decision- either you are for or against.   A Linn is what it is- a highly advanced AR XA.  Given the design, there are inherent limitations regarding what can be done to improve the table.  If I were in your situation, I would investigate power supply and bearing upgrades, combined with a full setup by a competent dealer.  The later should include new springs, rubber grommets, bearing oil, recheck of arm geometry etc.  In sum the Linn is a very good table that you will have to spend a lot of money to meaningfully improve, or improve upon.  

Disclosure- I own a late 80's LP12/Vallhalla/ Ittok LVII/ AT 33ML-OCC combo 
I found a very good way to get an improved sound from my Brooks Berdan set up LP12/Ittok/Armageddon was to sell it and buy a Well Tempered Simplex or Amadeus. No more worries about the bounce and it’s a better sounding table to my ear, while still be in the same style of sound, if that makes sense. I since have moved onto a rebuilt Thorens 124 and I like it better than the Amadeus. So now I have a classic experience and a fantastic sounding table. It was hard to part with the LP12 (had it for 10 years) but ultimately it was the right decision..
dhcod, that's an interesting story...OTOH with the money spent on the various TT's, could you not have upgraded your LP12? While I like the Thorens, it is not IMHO, in the same league as a full spec LP12 SE.
As usual, many here are comparing older LP12's with Ittok's and older Valhalla ( even Nirvana!! ) power supplies, etc and assuming those set ups ( if they have even been set up in the last 25 years??) are comparable to todays LP12's.

Agree with daveyf, the LP12s of 20-40 years ago don't compare with a full upgraded LP12.  A LP12 with the Radikal power supply, Keel subchassis, Ekos SE tonearm and Akiva MC cartridge like I have is on a completely higher level than the LP12s of the 1970s,80s and 90s.  I know because I upgraded my 25 year anniversary model, purchased in 1997 brand new, about 4 years ago.  The difference that the upgrade made was dramatic.

Daveyf is right, most people commenting here haven't listened to a fully upgraded LP12 so they really don't know what they are talking about.  To those who say that the LP12 requires frequent tune ups, well that just isn't true if it's set up right the first time.  My LP12 was set up at Overture Audio in Ann Arbor by Thomas O'Keefe 4 years ago and it's sounding better than ever.