Can you smell your speakers when youre rockin out?

Lol, I know this a funny question, but whenever I'm listening at loud volumes, I can smell my speakers. It's always the same smell no matter what speakers I've had. It's not a burning smell, more like the insulation used in the boxes. Is it the air blowing through the insulation and then out the port, or cooked voicecoils? Like I said, it doesn't smell like burning electronics but I 'm not sure what it is. It kind of smells good; like new rubber in a bike shop or race gas smells to me. It's the association of good times :-)
I understand you don’t like Green Mountain Audio - fine. Not everyone is going to like this brand

It’s not as simple as that. It’s the whole experience I was dissatisfied with. It was just a con job. I was promised wonderful sound and he even agreed to find a buyer if i wasnt pleased. This was a false promise which never happened. The guy then started attacking my cables, speaker stands and amp and finally my room. When someone mentions cables, thats when you know its a scam. I recognise that people on audiogon buy into the importance of cables, but there has never been any scientific proof for it. Record a cd using two different cables and I dare you to see if you can hear the difference.

Roy johnson never came over to my house to hear what I was complaining about so he could only guess what was wrong. But if you read the hifi choice review of the Rio, you can see that Roy refutes every criticism Paul makes about the Rio. He never accepts the blame. Paul mentions two criticisms, namely the forwardness and bass. According to Roy the first is not a flaw but the result of ’’time coherent’’ sound. The second is due to Pauls listening room being too long. (And by the way the ''5 star'' review it got means nothing. We all know how these reviews do not correlate with each persons own opinion of the product used in his or her home. Note that stereophile dont give stars)

GMA also do not honor their warranty. They wanted $200 for a few replacement screws and new foam grills. A complete scam.

Now if you want to continue this discussion, start a new thread.

Otherwise I wont bother defending myself against your false arguments, bombaywalla. You only know what GMA tell you. You know nothing about the whole story. You know nothing about the story of what happened to their UK distributor, who vanished. You know nothing about the numerous complaints i have heard privately, about roy johnson, from other speaker DESIGNERS who do understand the mathematics behind speaker design and cannot be so easily duped by Roys many false claims and arguments about time coherence, lobing and other aspects of speaker design.
Post removed 
GMA also do not honor their warranty.
you kept the speakers for 2+ years. from the report you filed with the BBB of CO you wrote you opened the speaker yourself & tried to fix (like you know anything about speaker design by your own admission!). And, after all of this you wanted the manuf to take the speaker back & refund you money. WTF? When he didn't you cried like a little school-boy & now you write "GMA also do not honor their warranty". 
After what you did to the speaker + the length of time you kept it, no manuf would honor their warranty.....

Thanks to everyone for their support. Kenji is the only one to act this way out of many thousands of clients since 1991. You may have noticed he never answers anyone's question but only changes the subject and accuses someone else of attack. How strange. Shall we ignore him in this thread from now on? Certainly not doing the O.P. any good. Otherwise, best wishes.
Roy -- I have the perfect solution. You send me a pair of the same speakers in question here and I will report back to the forum every 3 months with an update... After, say 10 years we should all be done, eh?
