Marantz SA11S3

I just bought the SA11S3 and I am very pleased with the sound. It replaced a Sony ES 5400 which is no slouch. As good as the Sony is, the Marantz just sounds better. No buyers remorse here. I have a couple of questions.              
1. I'm currently running single ended cable. Is there any advantage going balanced line? It's being used with the Marantz PM11S3 amp.
2. When not in use should I leave it on all time or should I put it in standby and let it warm up for a half hour or so before I listen? 
I know the standard answer is "Try it both ways and see which sounds better" and I can't argue with that. I'm just curious as to what other owners are doing. Thanks.

Thanks! for sharing- All.

I am in this position as well, Sony ES or Marantz, for SACD playback.

Which brand(s) of cabling are you guys using?


For cables, I'm using upper-end Jena Labs with my SA-7S1. Out of the many cables I've tried over the years, the Jena synergizes the best with the player--at least to MY ears. But there are plenty of other great choices too.
Before you start auditioning - changing cables I do suggest replacing the main fuse on the Marantz with a Synergistic Research "Black" fuse. 

This upgrade has improved the sound of my three Marantz players! They are sold with a 30 return policy. There is a long thread in the Amplifier forum with the positive results of these fuses.

David Pritchard