Auralic Aries Mini vs Bluesound Node ll vs Sonos

Wondering if anyone has experience with either the node ll or the mini. Looking for a possible upgrade from Sonos for streaming Deezer Elite. I've read the interface on the mini only works with Ipad. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
For those of you who use an external DAC, what is the advantage of the Auralic Mini or Bluesound over the Sonos Connect? High-res?
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I've been keeping an eye on the Bluesound node 2.  I've been waiting for the App to become more mature.  I picked up a Definitive W-amp about a year ago and it took about 9 months for the App to hit the sweet spot.  For the first 9 months or so, I was listening to my squeezebox two through the digital input on the W-Amp.  Finally, after about 6 months, and many hours on the phone with Definitive and Play-Fi, they finally got the App to access my recorded music.  About two months ago, they added the ability to switch inputs from the App.  So, it's become a lot more usable.  BTW, this is all stuff Sonos could do for years.

It's seams like everybody and their Uncle is coming coming out with a streaming player/speaker line.  They're even building streaming clients into receivers and processors these days.  For those looking to it on the cheap, the Google Chromecast gives you 90% of a Sonos Connect for $35.00.  Have an older receiver, pre-amp, soundbar, powered speakers or anything with an audio input?  Double-side sticky tape a Chromecast to the back of it and instantly it's a streaming client.  
I'm on the fence for the moment for the resaons you state prpixel. With so many new choices out there right now I want to wait and see how it all shakes out. I'll stick with Sonos for now because the interface is unbeatable. Once all the other devices catch up in that regard I'll pull the trigger. Thanks for the responses guys.
My vote goes to the Aries Mini. The number one reason why I like it: it has an USB digital out which feeds right into my Halo Integrated. You may sarcastically say "big deal". But this allows full integration with the DAC as I now can feed the DAC with its highest supported formats (in PCM and DSD). Just in hardware alone the Aries shows itself superior:

-benchmark ESS DAC

-latest wireless AC protocol - connected to my AirPort Extreme 5Ghz band and it's as good as as a wired connection. In fact this is the primary connection type suggested by Auralic

-quad core CPU

-double the Node 2's ram

-ability to add a internal storage drive. Added a 512 Gb mechanical drive that I had laying around the house and it works flawlessly!

these factors alone are worth the $550 admission price! Throw in a free 1 year subscription ($240) on top of all that - sign me up! 

The new iPhone interface looks beautiful and is extremely easy to setup and use.

You will not find anything close in terms of hardware and functionality at the Aries Mini's price point.