Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better

Luckily I don't see it as much on here compared to other audio websites. I just find it so annoying I stop looking at the thread. There are just to many variables in audio to debate what is better than what. I guess it's just an ego thing that I don't want to take part in.

Funny that I had an industry professional share this analogy with me recently . . . I don't think he'd mind me posting it:

"HiEnd HiFi is mostly a male hobby and then the whole theme goes back to the cavemen, where the strongest and fittest would get the most respect and all the girls. Same with cars, watches also. One always wants the best, the most exclusive and as HiFi seldom drives on Friday nights around the block to show to everyone, one now has the internet to show how cool and ingenious one is. There isn't a problem with that if one really is, but then the logic is mostly left behind, but as most do the same stupid show, they all seem to understand each other very well and logic is left away."
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Can it be that our attempts at improving our systems are the same as "repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"?
[url=Its a MADHOUSE! (Planet of the Apes, 1968) - Edited - YouTube]
Great post!  I think it's mostly ego.  And then, our relentless pursuit for a perfect system (if there is such a thing out there). I have been in this hobby for 15+ years.  As part of audiophile community, all of us deserve bit of recognition for the time and effort we have vested in putting together our 'dream' system.  

Happy listening!!!