Dispersion panels question

I'm looking to put some dispersion panels, as opposed to absorbsion panels, behind my speakers to disperse reflected sound.

Primarily thinking of using long runs of wood with a triangular cross section.

Should I used a vertical pattern, or horizontal patterm, or some of each?

Or is the pyramid pattern the best?

Hoping to make the image deeper :-)

Williewonka, my speakers are 9 feet from the back wall so there is plenty of depth but the imaging was a bit diffuse. This sharpened up nicely with the addition of extra clock between my server and Dac so it can be assumed that phase and timing are a contributer .
Depending on the speaker , I've heard improved depth by positioning the speakers closer together with no toe in but you probably tried this.
The addition of a pair of well dialled in subs can also be beneficial towards your goal. Not trying to tell you how to suck eggs but perhaps you answer is a combination of all the above depending. Regards
Check out the Ethan Winer Forum section on audioasylum. Tons of discussion on this & related topics. Also DIY plans etc. Cheers,
"10-21-15: Sbank
Check out the Ethan Winer Forum section on audioasylum. Tons of discussion on this & related topics. Also DIY plans etc. Cheers,Spencer"

If you can find some old issues of The Audio Perfectionist Journal, they give detailed instructions on how to make acoustic panels yourself. It was a really good article, and it was really easy to do. I don't know what happened to mine or I would post them for you.

Also, I was in Guitar Center a couple of weeks ago, and they had acoustic panels on display. I don't remember the prices exactly, but they were very reasonable. They have a really good return policy, so its pretty risk free to try them.
Thanks guys - I'll look into the links posted above.

Lustformusic: 9ft - WOW! The "more space" behind will have to wait until I move in a couple of years, but I was glad to hear the dispersion panels contributed to the image quality.

ZD542: I decided to look into a dispersion approach because I have read that absorption panels can deaden performance unless you are really careful, however in some situations it is required - the two I installed initially were very successful at eliminating an echo behind the speakers.

Sbank - thanks for the pointer - I will check it out for sure.

Thanks for all the input
UPDATE: I've just finished playing - yet again...

A friends place has a 12ft ceiling, so I've been looking at possible solutions.

So I got to thinking about my room with an 8ft ceiling and how a "baffle curtain" might help.

I just happened to have a piece of heavy duty vinyl 2 ft x 6ft and a couple of lighting stands, so I rigged it such that the vinyl hung down from the ceiling like a banner, across the room and tried it in a couple of positions...

1. just behind the speakers...
- There was some improvements in clarity and image
- nothing really to write home about

2. just behind the listening position...
- talk about an OMG moment!
- clarity improved beyond my expectations
- image now easily exceeds the boundaries of the room on most all tracks
- projection of venue acoustics forward now easily envelopes the listener on many tracks
- it's like surround sound with only two speakers
- the improvements can easily be heard outside of the room also, just amazing.

BTW - I also have a couple of 15" x 78"(tall) panels on the side walls behind the speakers to deal with an echo that travelled across that wall behind the speakers

Don't think I need dispersion panels any longer :-)
