GoldenEar Triton One

Does anyone have experience with GE Triton Ones with 2 channel listening. Most reviews seem to be from people with home theatre. These reviews are extremely positive.
Thank you for your responses.
I was able audition a pair of Triton Ones.They sounded phenomenal at the dealers. I will certainly be considering them.
Ok, however, cell phones don't cost as much as these speakers do. We're not talkin' about phones anyway, we're talkin' about speakers here. There's no reason imo, for Chinese made stuff with high end price tags, like Monitor Audio.
You'd be surprised at how much "high end" stuff is make in China. Monitor Audio would be the least of your worries.

All the best,
Yeah, with high prices, and that's absolutely terrible, imo. I can't believe people would pay such large amounts for stuff made over there! But, if they want it bad enough, so be it! Argh!!!
Whatever you decide, be sure to audition the T1s beside at least one other brand of speaker under the same conditions.

I listened to some T2s at a local dealer a while ago, and was impressed. Then we moved to B&W CM10, and there was no comparison. The B&Ws had much better timbre, a more "rounded" representation, each instrument sounded more like itself, and had better delineation, spatially and timbrally. They made the T2s sound electronic by comparison.