Focal Profile 918 presentation

I’m tiring to find the optimum placement for my Focal Profile 918 in my system. The room size is 12X12’. It appears to me, that the placement doesn’t matter; I’m still getting presentation from between and behind the speakers. Do you get the same impression? My system: PL Dialogue Two, Sony NC555ES CD/DVD Player (great player by the way; compared to NAD C542 or Music Hall 25.5 what I use to have) and KK 4TC speaker cables. Thanks.
I like those Focals! They were imaging and transparency champions when I heard them.

Imaging and soundstage will probably be best up to 2-3 feet out from rear wall and not too close to side walls. You might want to toe in slightly as well. Make sure speaks are not too far apart and that sounds that should come from front and center do. Keep adjusting until everything comes together nicely.
I put acoustic panels (sound deadening) behind and the side of front speakers to eliminate that problem. I assume you are already tried to toe-in, toe out? How far have you tried setting them apart?
Good luck.