Isophon Cassiano or what?

I have recently sold my Sonus Faber Guarneri homage, because i wanted to try something new. I have come across the Isophon Cassiano speaker, and can only find really good things written about them . One person meant that it beat the Avalon opus ceramiqe compared in his livingroom.
did anyone of you listened to these and what was your impression.maybe on its bigger brother the Isophon Arabba
Are they really that great?
Well judging from the pictures, you have a small to mid sized room. This means all the above discussed flagships may have trouble in your room. There are two roads to this, a mid sized loudspeaker i.e 7" woofer tops, or a full sized speaker with an active adjustable bass section. As you are in Denmark, I would suggest the following,the Neeper Acoustics Perfection 1, the Gamut L3, System Audio SA2K. The large speaker choice would be the Adam Audio Tensor Beta from Germany.
hi spere
I would never suggest niether gamut or system audio as ther sound never did anything for me , have heard both at several occations . Have never heard Neeper so i couldent tell about them
Another idea along the lines of Sphere would be Gradient -- their offerings are small with good dispersion characteristics -- particularly helpful in a small room. (BTW, they aren't danish but finnish; but Finland is closer to you than the US!)
Dear Smaj,
I can understand your response for the Gamut speakers. But I can tell you this, if one puts some effort in setting up a Gamut L5 loudspeaker, the results can be fantastic. Do they have flaws? Yes, but which speaker doesn't? Do take the effort to set up the L3 properly, and I am sure that it will reward you with some great results.