Comparison of Thiel CS2.4 vs. Vandersteen 3A Sig.

Interested in hearing about any comparisons between these two speakers, Thiel CS 2.4 and Vandersteen 3A Signatures, integration into rooms, ability to drive speakers, sound quality, any new updates or options that should be considered, etc.
Well, I've lived with the Vandersteens and I have to agree with the messages so far.

I strongly preferred them to the Thiel 2.4, with the following caveats: the Thiels are the best finished and best looking speakers I have ever auditioned, if that's a consideration. I have also never heard better imaging than the 2.4. The Thiels were just too ruthless for me, and I found them somewhat fatiguing.
I think it is fair what I said, I said Thiels are more harsh and detailed compared to Vandy, I also think giving my opinion doesnt hurt anyone, I have equipment that doesnt always get positive feedback from others and it never bothers me....why does it bother you? Sometimes detail equalls harsh, sometimes musical can be boring it is just a matter of preference. Audibleguy asked for comparisons and thoughts about the 2 speakers, and those are both what I think.
Cool man, no bother(s) here. I loved my Thiel CS 2.2s but now moved on to Dynaudios for a change. I don't however agree that it is the Thiel that was harsh, probably some songs and associated equipment. I know they are revealing, and this means the owner needs to pay close attention to system matching. Vandy 3A Sigs are laid back, but also very capable and will probably be easier to design around, all things considered. FOr me, I like the up-front style of Thiel CS 2.2 to 2.4 maybe going deaf from all the years of loud music-lol.
Chad, maybe it is a matter of language usage, but I have heard the Thiel CS2.4 driven by a Bel 1001 Mk V amp and the sound was bright and exceptionally revealing, but not harsh. This is the combo owned by my former college roommate. He plays classical piano and the sound of the Thiels playing his own recordings sounds surprisingly close to the real thing. In an acoustically-deader room than his, the Thiels could be tonally dead-nuts accurate.
FUNK & WAGNALLS ENCLYCLOPEDIC COLLEGE DICTIONARY: harsh adj. 1. Grating. rough, or unpleasant to any of the senses: a harsh tone; a harsh light. 2. Unpleasing to the mind or the artistic sense; ungracefull; crude. 3. Manifesting severity and rigor; cruel; unfeeling:a harsh punish-ment. [ME harsk.prob.