Best Isolation for stand mount speakers

I am finding that careful use of isolation devices can bring my modest equipment to levels of performance far beyond what I expected, and though some of these devices are not cheap I, so far, find that the cost of sonic improvement is less than significant upgrades in major components. That being said I am pretty frugal and do not like throwing money around in search of the Holy Grail of musical bliss. I am looking at the possibility of some type of isolation cones, other, for my little Dynaudio's. They are currently on very solid, heavy stands. I've considered Herbie's pads, Ceraballs, Nordost, and perhaps Stillpoints but the cost makes me twinge a little for two sets. I would appreciate others experiences and inputs. Thanks.
I have been using a pair of Sistrum 004 stands for my Virgo Floorstander speakers. I have been completely blown away by the improvements. My audiophile buddy, upon trying the stands, also purchased a pair. Even getting the audiopoints would likely be a great upgrade. I juct purchased a new pair of speakers - Acuhorn Biancore 155. My Sistrums will be too small for those, but I intend to get a lend of my friends pair too, and try two on each speaker - I'm guessing they will enhance the sound so much that I'll need to buy a second pair and use them. Will see how it goes though. Like you said - in my experience, the improvement was well worth the relatively small expense.
I second the Sistrums. Their points are wonderful too, but the Sistrum system has all the points work together rather than individually. Significant sound effect
Something cheap.

Use under your speaker (standmound) 3 Jenga pieces over the stand , especially if the stand is from iron or other metal (usual). Works especially with small speakers and is almost for free.