Dynaudio Focus?

Has anyone heard the new Dynaudio Focus line of speakers?
I am particularly thinking of the 140 model, although comments concerning any of the others would be appreciated.
yeah, anyone heard these and can compare to audience and contours?

thanks for any input
Focus 140 is better than contour 1.3, it has same transcuders like new contour series.
Being that alot of people like the older contour series better then the new one (myself inluded) I'd hold off on statements like XX is better then YY because it has some new transducers. Speaker manufacturers have to make 'upgrades' to keep selling their products, but usually they are just tweeking the sound, it's mostly hype. In general, I find the older contours to be a bit sweeter and perhaps a bit more forgiving to bad recordings. I'm hoping they would bring back some of that magic w/ the focus range.
Valinar, I would also look at the SE version of the Dynaudio 52. I think it is one of the finest little speakers I have heard. I got a pair last year with a moderately priced system and they were wonderful. I have since upgraded everything and they are incredible. Very deep tight base, incredible life like vocals and the treble is so smooth that you can listen all day.They really sing with upgraded source and amplification beyond what one would expect from their price point. I just had the local JMlab dealer over to help with some interconnects for a new Arcam CD player and he was amazed at the sound. Very deep and wide soundstage, great detail. I would recommend giving them a listen.