Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
So many fuses, so little time.

The same applies to amps, cables, transports, you name it. Yet it didn't stop me from trying at least one and from what I heard in my system, I made the right choice. :-)

Daunting as it is made to look, the proof is in the listening. All other considerations and views are just conjecture, doomed to become conventional wisdom, and in this hobby, conventional wisdom can keep one from fully realizing the potential of ones system.

All the best,
Ah yes, "Conventional Wisdom." About the time of the steam locomotive's invention; scientists determined that the human body could only withstand about a 35MPH maximum speed. It's only been lately, that scientists understood how Bumblebees could generate enough lift to fly:(http://www.news.cornell.edu/releases/March00/APS_Wang.hrs.html) Imagine how bland a world, without these on pizza or pasta: (http://www.tomatogardeningguru.com/history.html)
Seems like things here are getting confusing with multiple tests that could take years. I think I'll just stay with my old method, if it sounds better leave it in place, if not remove it, the fuses are still in place. I suppose we could look at fuses as everything else in audio, you could spend years trying to find the very best for your system, sometimes referred to here as chasing your tail, or you can just buy the one you prefer and enjoy the music.
It's funny to hear a charlatan like yourself speaking about comparative testing. I doubt that you had any need for it while conjuring up your imaginary audio improvement tweeks.
So tell us, when are you going to start selling your "ultimate fuse"? I guess that would be a lot more difficult than going to AC Moore and filling up some little craft bottles with colored quartz beads.
Roxy, have you given any consideration to laying off the Viagra for a while?