Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
My vintage Manley Lab Series Mono 100's won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Fitted with NOS Mullard EL34's the sound is just incredible.
The Bel Canto ref 1000mkii mono blocks in my system might be. Top quality sound and power delivery as best I cal tell. Not sure why I'd ever need to change, unless I get bumped on the head like in a sitcom and suddenly become a SET guy or something.
Based only on reviews and comments of others it would seem that a Tidal or a Sovereign amp could end the quest for many. I own Audiopax Model 88 but would love to listen to these other amps one day.