Cryo treated wires?

What difference does it make? Has anyone compared the before and after result?
So cryo does change things in one way or another. I perceived it does carry it's own sonic character. Or should I say it brings out the true sonic character of that particular item. If the latter is right, them how about let say cable with a bright and forward nature? wouldn't it be worst after treatment?
Another question arises. What if 2 different cables were cryoed? Will they sound indentical in sonic character after that?
Good suggestion, Hdm. I am not sure how cryo, that particular outlet and my system will react together. I live in an apartment and my audio interest is waning, so I may never know :) In a high resolution system, I am sure the differece would be obvious, and if the system was managed well enough, the effect of cryo would be benefitial. Albert has practically everything but his chassis screws cryoed and it is not possible to believe he would still hold an interest in cryo if it did not benefit his system.

"What if 2 different cables were cryoed? Will they sound indentical in sonic character after that?"
My argument from a different direction - no.
Ohlala; you argue well. However in your above reply to Hdm you (finally) say: "In a high resolution system, I am sure the difference would be obvious, and if the system was managed well enough, the effect of the cryo would be beneficial." How would you know this? By reading? Why not try listening using rigorous test methods if you need?

I have a high resolution system and the difference using the cryo treated VD wire was very obvious to me-- it sounded nothing like several other regular copper wires I'd tried in this position. I consider Albertporter a well informed colleague too, and his experience influenced me to start trying cryo'ed products-- to my benefit I'm thinking.

What started this whole bit of nonsence was that I didn't add "IMO" to the end of my first post-- sorry for that now. Afterall, much or even most of high end audio is based purely on opinion. Ya' know subjective listening. Yes? Cheers. Craig
In order to cut down the amount of tension involved in controversial threads and subjects, i will post my point of view first and then anybody that disagrees with me will be censored. This will minimize the amount of subjectivity within any thread and help us get down to what will now be considered "just the facts" : ) Sean