Something similar to Mahler

Any recommendation for something close to Mahler Symphony 3 or 5?
Mapman, The most transcendental music experience I have ever had was a couple years ago in Cleveland for the Mahler III. The only thing that even came close was the first time I heard a live performance of the Bach Johannes Passion. Got to respectfully disagree with my good friend Schubert in his assessment of Mahler.
Hearing a good complete Mahler 3rd live is high on my list of things to do.

Heard the musical box genesis cover band do a complete repro of suppers
ready a few years back. Heaven!
No sweat Fan and Map, different strokes for different folks is how I roll. Though I draw the line on rock.

An analogy of painters to composers is foolish, but that never stopped me.
Beethoven is Rembrandt, Schubert, Vermeer and Mahler is Jason
Pollack, connect the dots sound and fury signifying nothing.
That said, "Der Knaben Wunderhorn" and Das Lied von der Erde" are masterworks.
But what do I know, to me- "Un bel di " is worth more than the entire Ring Cycle.
As a clarinetist friend of mind , who subbed in the Berlin Phil used to say, first prize in the lottery is season tickers to Bayrueth, second prize is two tickets etc.
Brownsfan, In my dotage I recalled the LvB Violin Sonatas of Kremer/Argerich as being on Decca, actually its DG 476-7256(3)

Also, I thought those Sigs of mine looked awfully new, but at $995 shipped,I dismissed that.
After running them 24/7 for a week, they suddenly EXPLODED, in my room yesterday, wern't even broke in !.Ran my sole late Mahler, the Gewandhaus
7th, through them yesterday, they handled those endless tymp riffs just fine. Unreal good on Butterfly as well.
Schubert, We are on the same page on so much stuff. Had we agreed on Mahler, I would have concluded you were my long lost twin born of a different mother and separated by 16 years. As for the LvB, those are great performances. 10 on performance, maybe 6.5 on recording quality. I pretty much love everything ever recorded by Martha. Just wish she hadn't hooked her wagon to DG. Gidon is a pro. I had looked forward to a promised set from Rachel Barton on Channel, but I understand the pianist backed out of the project.

You are a pirate, matey, making of with those sigs at that price. So glad you are finding them to your liking.

On my way to hear Ein Alpen Symphonie tonight here in Indianapolis. Urbanski is a real up and comer among young conductors. Protege of Witt. He is very, very, good.