Would I be a happy boy with an ARC CA-50?

I found an ARC CA-50 on Audiogon ad. I've read reviews of it from time to time, but I've never used one before.

I am mainly interested in this integrated amp to stop me from spending more on audio purchases. Ok, I know that won't happen. But, at least, I don't need to buy too many cables with an integrated.

Anyhow, I have a pair of KEF 103/4. I can only find specs on KEF.com for the current Reference 1 and 2, which the 103/4 is in between in regards to technical specs. The sensitivity - 2.83v @ 1m would be around 88db. The living room is about 20x15x10.

Sound preference: I like analytical dry "British" sounding audio gear like KEF and Tannoy professional speakers. As long as the detail is accurate, there is ample soundstage and the frequency response is flat, I am a happy boy.

Thanks y'all.

Thanks for the advice. I just purchased a CA-50 this morning. My speaker is 4 ohm. Sorry I left that information out.
I hope it does well for you. I almost got one myself a few months back. I have a TT and would have had to sell my current pre amp and then replace the phono stage that is built into my current ARC pre amp, and there was an issue of needing to permanantly install the caps for my Vandersteen sub(no pre amp out/amp in), it just was too many changes at one time.
Welcome to the world of ARC. I recently re-vamped my bedroom system. Swaping out some Classe solid-state stuff for an ARC LS-15/VT-100 Combo. This stuff sounds great. Last night I added some Electrostatic speakers, now that was the icing on the cake. Man this system sounds smooth. I'd still like to tweak the cabling, but will wait a little while before spending any more money. Enjoy :^)

I think CA-50 has preouts for an amp or sub. You can use that if you don't mind driving your speakers full range with the CA50. I hope the CA50 has a good phonostage too. I haven't used my turntable in ages.


Did you win the lottery? What speakers did you get? And that's ONLY your bedroom system......