Vendors Who Post

There are a number of vendors who post to Audiogon discussion threads. I think we can fairly assume that all of them have disclosed that there are in fact vendors and are not hiding this important fact. In my experience, most vendors are very helpful here and do not attempt to primarily use the threads as a marketing tool to solicit customers. They use the threads to give useful information pertaining to their products, to clear up misunderstandings about their products and to correct misperceptions about their products. Most vendors post in a professional way with an appropriate tone. But, alas, there are some vendors who are less professional than others on these forums, in my opinion. How do you feel about the vendors who post here?
Yogiboy, I know who you mean. I called his store inquiring about ProAcs and he tried talking me into Vandersteens.
I was trying to formulate a post until I read Elizabeth’s. My thoughts exactly, expressed so much better than I would have.
My vendor is fully aware of Audiogon but does not partake. He took out a full page ad in Stereophile back in the 90's and that was all it took to get his name out there. He managed to garner many lifetime customers from that ad from all over the world. He doesn't make a ton of money but enough to sustain. He truly enjoys his work and is the most honest person I know. He is the reason I will never buy from Audiogon any longer and it has nothing to do with Agon. I'm just fortunate enough to buy new and I want him to succeed. I don't want the retailer to go by the wayside. I like going to the shop with tunes in hand and listen to 4 different systems.