The Audiophile's Wife

My wife has put up with my a-phile ways for years and has decided to write a blog about it. Thought you (or more likely your spouse) might get a kick out of it.

Even though she writes with a bit of an edge, she's really a good sport and very supportive of my "hobby".
Very enjoyable reading. Your wife articulates what many wives must be experiencing. I had a pair of speakers in the late 80s and 90s that my wife loved. Couldn't care how they sounded, she loved how they looked. It has been 10 years now since I sold them but she still mentions now and then her disappointment at their replacements.
Well written,humorous,and all to true. A pleasure to be harpooned by her incisive wit. The spousal unit was sincerely amused.
Fantastic stuff.
My wife is not connected at all to my "hobby," as she calls it. She endures. Over the years she has favorably commented on one pair of speakers, and that was because of their looks.
that's fantastic - great observation, great humor, and great writing!

thanks for sharing.
Grannyring- that is awesome! Your wife is talented, compassionate and has a great sense of humor. If she were only strong enough to wrangle a pair of VAC 70/70 monos up or down a set of narrow, steep stair by herself, she'd be a keeper ;~)