Compact receiver for bedroom

Looking for a compact receiver with two sets of speaker outputs for the bedroom in our new house. The previous owners had in-wall speakers -- Brand X -- in the bedroom and the master bath. The wires are in place; all we need is a small receiver (space there is limited). As this will mostly be for listening to the news in the morning or the ball game at night, audiophile quality is not our goal here. Having something that fits on the bureau alongside the other stuff, however, and being able to switch between two pairs of loudspeakers, though, does matter.
New or used. Not a million dollars.
-- Howard

Just go to wallyworld,kmart,bestbuy,etc. and grab an inexpensive minisystem.I'm sure you can find one that will suit your needs.
Got a great Nakamichi TA3A AM/FM Receiver with remote. Weighs 27 pounds, 17 inces wide. 4 inches in height and 15 inches in depth. Could be what your looking for is not to large for your space.
April Music has an all in one with a lamp even), as does Music Hall the Trio. I owned a fabulous clock radio with built in CD player by Teac I think they are still made. If you want higher end you might want to consider finding a Parasouund Z series stack of separates or even the X series from Musical Fidelidity.