What's the worst speaker or stereo set-up you've ever seen?

I used to do home delivery and installation work and had access to some pretty high-end homes. I was amazed at how few of these well-heeled owners had nice audio systems, although many had some nice home theaters. One home owner had a basement stereo with small Maggies hinged on a wall like cabinet doors so he could direct the sound and, I guess, tuck them away when not in use. I also saw a pair of Bose 901’s pointed the wrong way. What’s the worse set-up you’ve seen?

Showing 1 response by mike_in_nc

Two, decades ago.

A San Francisco audio system with Quads in a largely glass room. The apartment was high-end and striking visually, but the stereo sounded horrible.

At the Stereophile show in Miami in 1991, B&W was debuting their Nautilus line with something like $500,000 of Krell amplification (maybe tri-amped)? So loud and hard was the sound that I left after 15 seconds.