RIP Art Dudley


Showing 2 responses by bdp24

1954? Hmm, older than I thought. I WAS relieved that it wasn't the virus what got 'em. And I hadn't heard Clark Johnsen has also just died. Clark cornered me at one CES in Vegas, insisting I discuss with him his pet topic: absolute polarity. I was trying to tear myself away from him, as Ken Kessler was nearby, and I wanted to try talking Ken into selling me one of his Garrott Deccas. I finally got away, but to no avail: Kessler wasn't interested in parting with one. Glutton!

I don't expect another hi-fi writer as good as Art to show up in what remains of my time here. At least his record collection is in good hands, those of his wife and daughter, for whom my heart hurts. We'll miss Art, but not like they.

What was Art, in his 50’s? I loved his Listener mag, and his subtle dissing of HP (he worked for him at TAS). He brought the discussion of "tonal density" and "color saturation" in music reproduction to my attention, and some other sophisticated matters. The ability of any given component to reproduce the "forward momentum" (PRAT) in a music was a major priority, I would guess as a result of he being a onetime "Linnie". I admit he lost me when he would discuss the ability of a component to reveal the musical "intent" of the artist, which I found somewhat presumptuous ;-) .

He had a wide and deep appreciation and understanding of lots of disparate musical genres, and approached the quality of a recording "music first". My kinda guy.