Monitors that play huge

Looking for a set of monitors that'd fill a 18x25x10 room. Aesthetic is important as they'll be in the living room. Will Dynaudio Confidence C1 be a good fit, esp. in terms of bass performance? And how much better C1 is over Contour S1.4?

Showing 2 responses by jaxwired

The C1 or the S1.4 would both fit the bill. Few monitors (if any can compete). I actually think that for a big room like that the S1.4 is the better choice since it has even more bass output than the C1.

Other monitors that play big:
Joseph Audio Pulsars
Usher Be-718
Fritz Carbon 7s
Totem Mani-2
Wilson Benesch Discovery
Goatwuss, I'm sure the 805Ds do sound stunning, but big? Not quite. I've heard them. Big sound requires real bass. The 805Ds don't have it.