Help Picking a turntable

Hi Everyone,

Rod at my local store here where I buy my gear (unless I buy here at Audiogon) was at my house doing a master set for my speakers (they sound much better) and he suggested I consider getting a turntable and switching to records from cds to get better sound.  I am considering his suggestion but my biggest problem is that I don't know anything about turntables.  Rod recommended a turntable package from EAT that includes the arm, cartridge etc. for about $6,500, which is more than I want to spend.  He said he would look into turntables that are a bit less that would still sound good but I thought I would also check with everyone here to see if anyone had ideas also that I could discuss with Rod when I meet with him.  I'd like to stay under $3000 for the turntable package (turntable, arm, cartridge etc.). 

My current system is: Thiel 3.7 speakers; ARC REF 75 SE amp; ARC LS-17 SE pre-amp (I will also need a phono stage which I know will be in addition to the $3,000 I am willing to spend on the turntable package); analysis plus solo crystal oval speaker wire and interconnects.  Lastly, all of my music now is played through my Simaudio 280d DSD DAC (my cd player, computer etc are all hooked into the dac directly -- no wi fi). 

I'd appreciate any advice and suggestions to help educate me before I go down to Rod's store again and listen and meet with him.  As I said, I know nothing about turntables so any advice, suggestions etc. are very welcome.  Thank you all again in advance for your responses.     
Ag insider logo xs@2xgasherbaum
All this talk about hardware. First educate yourself about the world of vinyl and all that comes with it; inconsistencies of recordings, needing a Cleaning machine and devoting the time to record care, getting up to flip the record.

To most analogue lovers it's a labor of love, but they grew up in an analogue world.
It's good you are seeking advice. My advice is don't be forced into buying a top of the line system by your dealer.
If it sounds good to your ear I would go with the dealer recommendation. You trust him and you will get support from him that you might need. Do not spend less than needed, especially on analog.
No VPI or Rega for me, I use Nottingham Analogue. Some direct drive vintage Technics with SME arm would be excellent if in top condition. Cheaper ones would sound 'stupid' but with great dynamics.
I just switched from VPI prime to Rega RP10 with alpheta 2. I am so much happier.
Rega never disappoint.
Good luck.
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I agree that VPI seems to produce the best tables at their price points.  They are VERY hard to beat.  As a suggestion, a used early VPI table can generally / often be upgraded with one of their 2 inch aluminum platters / bearings and motor system.  That will raise the performance of the older table significantly. 

As for a phono stage, IMO, you only need to know the Herron Audio brand.  Pick either an updated VTPH-1 (if you're lucky enough to find one) or the VTPH-2.  Though the -2 is a big step up over the -1, both are in the top drawer for performance.  And both cost MUCH less than the much more expensive phono stages that they better.  At least that has been my experience and the experience of others.
Technics SP-10 -- $1000...1500 with SME3009 arm $5...700. I'd personally prefer linear arm such as MG 1.2, but to the beginner working with linear arms might not be a very good idea.

The cartridge I'd pick is Goldring Eroica $500. Very easy to setup and maintain. They come as H (2.5mv) and LX (0.5mv). This cartridge opens lots of ways to choose best phonostage that will be in synergy with your preamp and your cartridge.

Please note, if you're getting to analogue playback with no knowledge how to operate and service, you'd better do your homework prior. Dealers can milk you for labor that worth really nothing and doable by anyone. 

First records to purchase is best by going to local used record store that will also most-likely sell new sealed records as well(hey like in good old days in 70's..80's). Carefully examine condition of each used record you purchase -- this way you save LOTS of money vs. new sealed re-issues.
I just like any audiophile here, like to have in my shelves records in new condition to the point of not having even a single fingerprint on vinyl surface and that's the way I shop.

..anything with a VPI logo.  Their products are always above their price point, and their great support is always there.
As SBank said, there's a lot of cost involved in a complete turntable setup.

Have you thought about upgrading your 280D and seeing what's to be had as you climb up the digital ladder?  

If you bought the Simaudio from your dealer, how about auditioning a 380D just to see.  I bought my Simaudio 600i integrated amp from my local dealer, and Simaudio has an upgrade option where I can trade it in for a 700i.

You really need to spend a bunch of time reading archived posts and talking with those with some analog experience. Since you don't have a collection of LPs and haven't mentioned anything about the issues you'll run into with vinyl (e.g. cleaning LPs, used LP hunting, high prices on reissues, RFI & noise challenges, etc. ) you really need to read up on a bunch of subtopics or you might be disappointed. It can be a blast, but it's not for everyone. Cheers,