
Responses from unsound

If you were to carry a tube product line?
Too bad Sonic Frontiers is gone. Neutral, well built,low output impedances, single ended and balanced, remote and lots of inputs and out puts. Their componenets were compatible with a lot of gear including solid state. 
I need a live great recording
I'm with Slipknot's suggestion for Bill Evans "Waltz for Debbie". 
People who are Irrationally Afraid of tube amps
I think Allabhaganinfo, has hit it right. Based on my own limited experience, to say that just the presence of tubes/transistors can make everything right, is just as silly as saying that just the presence tubes/transistors can make everything wro... 
Powering Audio Physic Virgos
P.S. While I haven't actualy heard them together and if there wasn't such a dark cloud over EC's reputation for customer service here in the US, I would suggest an Electrcompaniet intergrated as a consideration. 
Powering Audio Physic Virgos
The only suggestion I can make that hasn't been already been mentioned is, to pick something with a sweet high end. IMHO the Virgos are much brighter than Thiels are reputed to be. 
People who are Irrationally Afraid of tube amps
Correct me if I'm wrong, but, isn't the TacT really the best example (not best amp, but, best example) of a digital amp. 
Should I Biamp
Joshcloud9, mixing amps is tricky business. Though there are notable exceptions, generally I don't suggest mixing amps. Most peoples hearing is more acute in the mid and then the higher frequencies. 
Best Full Range Speakers For Under $1100 ?
I can think of only one speaker at that price point (used) that is truly full range, but I don't think your amp is up to driving them: Thiel 3.5's. 
People who are Irrationally Afraid of tube amps
Slappy, I'm not going to probe that one. 
People who are Irrationally Afraid of tube amps
Twl, your not being harsh at all. You make some very good points. I'm not deaf to the charms of tubes. I've gone on record for admiring Sonic Frontier pre-amps and VTL amps. I'm very curious to hear the Berning and Wolcott stuff. These products se... 
People who are Irrationally Afraid of tube amps
I have to admit, Eldartfords arguments don't make my fears seem that irrational. 
Your Favorite Chet Baker Recording
I guess I'm just so surprised that an audience that seems to put so much emphsis on sound and music embraces this stuff. Your point is well taken and I will refrain from further comment. 
Your Favorite Chet Baker Recording
Am I the only one that thinks that the only thing flatter than Chet Bakers horn is his voice? Lyrical, yes. Great side men, yes. Just so grotesquely flawed that I can't stand to be in the same room with his playing. It hurts. 
Madrigal Mark Levinson out of business.
I wonder if the man will ever get his name back? 
Best speakers for $500 or less
Bomarc, you make a good point and I agree with your suggestions.