
Responses from smrex13

How would you introduce tubes into this SS system?
The MCormacks are great amps.  You'll love it, and Steve McCormack still services/upgrades them.   
Manley Chinook or Any comparable Preamp?
I would suggest the Rogue Ares as a comparable unit in that range.  I auditioned both, and I ultimately chose the Ares. Both were excellent, and it was more a matter of taste and the tubes that happened to be in each unit than anything else.   
Looking for an Integrated Amplifier to match Totem Rainmaker Speakers
I agree with @georgehifi above.  100+ watts at a bare minimum with the sensitivity of those speakers.   
Warmer sounding Solid State
I have the Musical Fidelity M6si and really like it.  The M3si should be cut from a similar sonic cloth, but I haven't had the chance to hear it. 
Warmer sounding Solid State
Musical Fidelity tends toward the warmer side of neutral. 
Which SR Blue or black Fuse
Agreed - the Blue is better, at least in my gear.  You can always take the fuse out and check its size. (Power down the gear first ;)) 
KT 150 impressions
Far preferred the 150s to the 120s, but I used them in different integrated amps, so it's not an entirely fair comparison.  The KT150s were remarkable - clear, dynamic, grain free, transparent, etc.   
High efficiency is critical.
Try to find actual test results for sensitivity.  The two Tekton speakers reviewed by Stereophile found that the actual sensitivity of the speakers was abut 6db (!) lower than advertised.    
Any reviews of anticable power cables?
@oldears   I don't have a dedicated line - wish I could install one, but I live in an apartment.  With respect to source components...-CD player - I use one on my Marantz CD player in my office, which is hooked up to powered Audioengine speakers. ... 
Any reviews of anticable power cables?
I've been really impressed by the Level 3 AntiCables power cords, but it took a while to recognize their strengths.  When I first plugged them in to my integrated amp, there wasn't anything that jumped out at me, good or bad.  I was swapping a num... 
Starting a second system
Depending on the efficiency of the speakers and the volume required, I would recommend the Coincident Dynamo II (8wpc).  However, you didn't specify a budget.  Do you have a ballpark figure for the amp? 
Efficient 2 way bookshelf/monitors under 2k
The De Capos are actually around 87db, too. 
Which integrated amp for better musicality - Parasound Hint vs Primaluna vs ???
Definitely the Primaluna. 
Help me pick from my sub-$1200 shortlist
I've had the KEF LS50s (twice), and they are definitely an exceptional speaker.  The first time I had them paired with an 80wpc integrated, and it really wasn't enough power for them.  The second time I paired them with a 220wpc integrated, and I ... 
Small dedicated listening rooms
I'd go with something like the Harbeth P3esr.  They are sealed, sound great at low volumes, work well in the near field, and can be paired with a sub if you want more bass.  The new Spendor A1 is similar and has gotten good reviews (but I haven't ...