
Responses from mike_in_nc

Surge protector vs wall debate for amps
Torus claims that their units not only don't limit current, they provide a short-term reserve due to energy storage in the large toroidal transformer. The RM-20 weighs considerably more than the Bryston 4B3 it's feeding. But as @masi61 said, they ... 
Surge protector vs wall debate for amps
I have a Bryston 4B3, about the same power demand as your Pass Labs amplifier. The one I found that works for me, with no deleterious effects other than cost and weight, is the Torus RM-20.  
Reducing Humming Sound
By the way. AVA sells their gear with a 30-day return period, so if you try a HumDinger, it can be returned if it doesn't help. 
Visiting audio stores?
I am 71, in good health. My wife and I are not leaving home, except to take a daily walk or visit a park, and to get groceries every 10 days or so. I do not wish to be on a ventilator, and now I've assembled a great system, I'd like to live to enj... 
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
cd318: Yes, as far as I can see, Linkwitz did recommend this, including in his own designs. I use it sometimes but I agree with SL (as quoted by REG) that it must be adjustable. I think that a shelf down 1-3 kHz is a bit broad.As you say, other re... 
Reducing Humming Sound
P.S. I had a TrippLite unit about 15 years ago. I got rid of it because it hummed. Looks like nothing has changed. 
JL Gotham F212 v2 vs ?
The Gotham is a wonderful sub. You might consider instead getting two (or three) of their Fathom f113v2. The reason is that with subs, having several in different locations helps smooth the bass and also gives an increased sense of ambiance. Two s... 
Reducing Humming Sound
A device similar to the Emotiva is made in Minnesota by Audio by Van Alstine. I have three of them. I may or may not have the best sounding system on Audiogon, but I’m pretty sure I have one of the quietest rooms, and I do not like hum that I can ... 
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
In Memoriam: Siegfried Linkwitz, 1935–2018 by Robert E Greene.As well as a general appreciate of Linkwitz, REG presents a somewhat detailed, but non-technical, explanation of why sometime a dip around 3000 Hz makes music nicer sounding, and in a... 
Vivaldi, played badly, is the worst classical music on earth
I find it remarkable how much my enjoyment of "classical" music depends on the performance. Many times, I’ve listened to a new performance of a work I was indifferent to, and the work suddenly clicked. Whether it’s Vivaldi or Shostakovich, the per... 
Advice on Music
Johnny Hartman. His album with Coltrane is a classic, but I think you'll enjoy the others, too. 
Do any of you "meditate" on your music?
I haven't considered it meditation, but when I can listen well, I do free my mind from thoughts.  That's when I know I have the hifi working the way it should! 
What should I choose??
The newer Brystons have a somewhat gentler and more subtle sound, to my way of hearing. Does that help? 
Aerial Acoustics 6t and Bryston B135-SST2 Integrated Amplifier - 180 Watt Per C...
I would think gorgeous. I heard the 6t and loved it; I’ve heard an all-Bryston system of the SST2 vintage with the 7t and loved that; I owned a 14BSST and now a 4B3 and love those. Enjoy!P.S. Just remembered, I auditioned the 7t with that 14BSST i... 
Rip Blu-Ray Pure Audio Discs?
Anyone know, does DVD Audio Extractor work on such discs?