Aerial Acoustics 6t and Bryston B135-SST2 Integrated Amplifier - 180 Watt Per C...

Thoughts on this combo
I would think gorgeous. I heard the 6t and loved it; I’ve heard an all-Bryston system of the SST2 vintage with the 7t and loved that; I owned a 14BSST and now a 4B3 and love those. Enjoy!

P.S. Just remembered, I auditioned the 7t with that 14BSST in my own space, and that was a great combo, too. Lively, open, spacious, and smooth.
Can't speak to the 6T's, but I have the B135 paired with Gershman Acoustics Sonogram speakers and love it - probably the last amp I'll buy.

It should have no problem with the 6T's because they are a little more sensitive than my Sonograms.

The image achieved by the B135 is superb and very large - melts away the walls of your listening room.

Dynamic, detailed, crystal clear sound, very neurtal clear, etc. etc.

Plus a 20 year transferable warranty - can't go wrong

My B135 replaced a Naim 5i (mk II), which I loved the sound of, so replacing it made me wonder if I'd like the Bryston sound - turns out - I love it.

The B135 is basically separates - they are just in a single case :-)

Regards - Steve
I currently own Aerial 5T's w/a Bryston 2.5 SST2 amp. It's hooked up to a Luxman CL38U-SE preamp. I've had this combo for a couple of years and am very satisfied w/the setup. No thoughts of changing.