

Responses from jtgofish

Best Preamp and Amp combination, interesting finding!!!
I have friend with an Audio Flight Strumento power amp and matching Strumento preamp.Those are seriously expensive items.He also kept an Usher 307A preamp which he was using previously with an Usher R1.5 power amp.The Strumento power amp sounds mu... 
I went from Class D to Luxman A/AB - And most of what you think is wrong
Yes but the Parasound A21 is not very good.You need a better reference. 
Supratek Owners Thread
Also yes not all Suprateks have transformers in the chrome domes.It depends on the era/model.Both mine do. The domes were retained to  maintain a consistent aesthetic. 
Supratek Owners Thread
Yes the alpha lam experience would seem to be far from typical.As soon as as read his post I thought to myself that sounds like a unit which had been messed with by some incompetent person.About ten years ago some people on the long Supratek threa... 
Supratek Owners Thread
I have used meshplates in  my 300B single Cabernet for years with no problems. 
Supratek Owners Thread
There is a big difference in sound between a standard 300B and say a TJ Full Music meshplate.Almost like a different preamp.With the meshplate you get beautiful airy treble,much better timbre and a much more holographic soundstage.If you have hear... 
Rockport Atria II or Magico A5
The Yamaha NS5000s  also deserve consideration.Wonderful natural sounding speakers and much easier to drive than most that have been mentioned here. 
Better Amp for Cornwall IV's...
You really need to look at the measured impedance curve.I tried to find these measurements but had no luck.If the impedance does not dip below around 6 ohms then an amplifier with a highish output impedance [typically tube amps and not SS /class D... 
A deeper more holographic soundstage.
A good tube preamp will tend to give a much deeper and more room-filling soundstage if the rest of the system is up to it.And yes with a SS power amp.I have heard that effect many times in many systems.Supratek preamps are especially good in that ... 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
Yes the Bakoons are wonderful.Some audiophiles might not get them  because they are not adding anything but if you really love music you will.They have immaculate timing so everything just gels together musically and sounds right and that is combi... 
Looking to buy a quality integrated $10,000 budget.
You need an amplifier with a high output impedance /current drive to get the best out of your speakers.Just about every amp recommended here is low output impedance voltage drive and will not be the best choice regardless of how good they might be... 
budget phono preamp choice
Just buy a used Realistic 42-2101.You can get one of them for around $50 and they sound very good.They are a classic simple fully discrete design and will compete with modern units in the $1000 plus range. 
suggestion for a SS class AB amp that sounds like a class A ... if such a thing exists
Well there is no such thing as a Class A sound.I have owned several Class A SS amps and they sounded as different to each other as Class A/B amps. . 
Do chinese tube preamp/amp clones interest you?
The Ming Da stuff seems to be well made and sounds pretty good and has been around for long enough to be trustworthy.But honestly the way the CCP is behaving is very concerning and people really should be avoiding buying anything made in China unt... 
Best tube preamplifier for under $15k
The Cary SLP-05 is an excellent preamp.The Supratek Cabernet [and probably Sauvignon] are better though.And cost less .They are made to order however so you have to wait for them to be built.